Getting started

Fork a copy of the repository and clone it to your computer using Git. Run sbt in the project folder and after SBT has completed loading the project, start the Play server with run. You can now navigate to localhost:9000 on your web browser to open the Dashboard view. At this point Play will compile both the client and server side Scala application, package it and run the server. This may take awhile, so monitor progress on your SBT console. Dashboard should look something like this


The application is really simple, containing only two views (Dashboard and Todo) and you can access these by clicking the appropriate item on the menu. The Todo view looks like this


Now that you have everything up and running, it's time to dive into the details of what makes this application tick. Or if you want to experiment a little yourself, use the ~run command on SBT prompt and Play will automatically re-compile the application when you modify the source code. Try changing for example the chart data in Dashboard.scala and reloading the web page.


SPA Tutorial uses Play 2.5 which depends on Java 8, so make sure you are using JVM 8 or later.

Running client tests requires Node.js and jsdom to be installed. After installing node and its package manager npm you can install jsdom into your project folder with:

npm install jsdom

Make sure to add node_modules directory to your .gitignore file!

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