
Dashboard module is really simple in terms of React components as it contains no internal state nor backend functionality. It's basically just a placeholder for two other components Motd and Chart. The only method is the render method which is responsible for rendering the component when it's mounted by React. It also provides fake data for the Chart component, to keep things simple.

// create the React component for Dashboard
private val component = ReactComponentB[Props]("Dashboard")
  // create and store the connect proxy in state for later use
  .initialState_P(props => State(props.proxy.connect(m => m)))
  .renderPS { (_, props, state) =>
      // header, MessageOfTheDay and chart components
      // create a link to the To Do view
      <.div(props.router.link(TodoLoc)("Check your todos!"))

Message of the day

Motd component is a simple React component that shows a Message of the day from the server in a panel. The Motd is given the message in properties (wrapped in a Pot and a ModelProxy).

val Motd = ReactComponentB[ModelProxy[Pot[String]]]("Motd")
  .render_P { proxy =>
    Panel(Panel.Props("Message of the day"),
      // render messages depending on the state of the Pot
      proxy().renderPending(_ > 500, _ => <.p("Loading...")),
      proxy().renderFailed(ex => <.p("Failed to load")),
      proxy().render(m => <.p(m)),
      Button(Button.Props(proxy.dispatchCB(UpdateMotd()), CommonStyle.danger), Icon.refresh, " Update")
  .componentDidMount(scope =>
    // update only if Motd is empty
    Callback.ifTrue(scope.props.value.isEmpty, scope.props.dispatchCB(UpdateMotd()))

A React component is defined through a series of function calls. Each of these calls, modifies the type of the component, meaning you cannot call componentDidMount unless you have gone through render first.

Of course to actually get the message, we need to request it from the server. To do this automatically when the component is mounted, we hook a call to dispatch in the componentDidMount method, but only if there is no value already for the message.

The use of ModelProxy and Pot will be covered in detail later.

Sometimes you need to create a link that takes the user to another module behind a route. To create these links in a type-safe manner, the tutorial passes an instance of RouterCtl to components.

ctl.link(TodoLoc)("Check your todos!")

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