Scala.js has a very active and friendly community supporting newcomers as well as seasoned Scala.js developers. To solve your issues, please use following resources.
Many developers have probably faced the same issues are you have, so there might be an answer on Stackoverflow just waiting to be read.
Gitter chat room
For fastest answers, join our Scala.js Gitter chat room and ask your questions, or just chat with other Scala.js developers! There are currently over 500 users in the chat room.
Official mailing list
This is the place for general discussion, ideas, announcements of your libraries, etc.
Built with Scala.js
Want to get a peek at some Web applications that have been built with Scala.js? Here you go:
- Seventh Sense, predictive analytics for sales and marketing. Scala.js+react components used inside legacy angular application.
- Querki, a cloud-based system for small-scale data management
- MF Metabolic Analyzer is a system to help physicians interpret and draw conclusions from cardiopulmonary exercise tests.
- Insightware, a next-generation A/B testing tool. All of the dashboard is built with Scaja.js.
- Stofftante, web store for fabrics
- NetLogo Web, an agent-based simulation language. (only the NetLogo-to-JavaScript compiler is written in Scala, not the front end)
- MiniJava compiler which originally targeted amd64, but received an AST interpreter to run in the browser.
Open Source Scala.js projects
Use these Open Source projects to see how others have used Scala.js to build their applications.
- Querki, a cloud-based system for small-scale data management
- ICD, for validating, storing, managing, searching and viewing APIs and ICDs (Interface Control Documents between TMT subsystems)
- Dashy, extensible dashboard webapp written in scalajs
- Doctus, a library for the creation of visual art pieces, by Wolfgang Wagner
- Kerbal Calculator, a rocket solver for Kerbal Space Programme (works well on a tablet or smartphone to complement gameplay)
- Weather Information System, by Ayush Mishra, Knoldus Software LLP
- Play and Scala.js Showcase, by Hussachai Puripunpinyo
- Papa-Carlo Incremental Parser Demo, by Eliah-Lakhin
- Ray-Tracer, a ray-tracer written in Scala.js by Li Haoyi
- TodoMVC, an implementation of the TodoMVC example application using Scala.js, Scalatags, Scala.Rx and scala-js-dom, by Li Haoyi
- Port of the Dart benchmark harness
Coming from JS/Coffee/TypeScript, I think Scala.js is an absolute game changer for us. And as more and more Scala libraries get ported over to Scala.js, I believe this is just the start.

The Scala.js experience was great! Thanks to the compiler and better IDE support, I was immensely more productive writing Scala for the browser than I am with plain JS and, say, Angular.

Being able to leverage our existing build and test infrastructure for Scala.js has been a great productivity and reliability boost compared to bringing in an entirely different stack such as TypeScript. We have a number of computation libraries that have been ported to a shared module and can be used on both the front-end and the backend, which in and of themselves have made investment worthwhile.

Scala's type safety is essential to manage the complexity of these business rules. Scala.js gives us Scala's technical advantages and let us make a pleasingly responsive interface for our users.